“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, blah blah blah…” Genesis 1:1-2a (NIV)
“Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents.” Ephesians 5:1 (Message)
"We are terribly sorry to inform you that the NEVADA LIMITED EDITION BUNDLE has sold out before your order was processed. please accept a full refund and visit showbread.net to read about an offer as a token of our apology."The first thing I thought to do was check to see if Jeremy's order had received the same refund. After several times refreshing his account... Nothing. Sooner or later, I came to a hard realization:
"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." - Matthew 25:40CJ
Alphabet-mapped visualization of Showbread's "Nothing Matters Anymore." I split the song into second-long segments, marked each segment with the lyrics that occur within it, and then mapped the first letter of each word to a color. 252 segments. 24 colors. 12 hours to make.
-The Gothic Guardian
It was about 6" across... I thought it was pretty big.
Anywho, I find it funny that moths are now a memory trigger for Showbread in my mind. In our dorms we have moths everywhere at night, so basically I can’t leave my room without Showbread popping into my head – which I think is pretty sweet.
Speaking of memory triggers and flying insects, every time I see a picture of a butterfly with some kind of technology associated with it I think of terminator… for instance there’s this billboard for a hospital on i-4 that has a photograph of a butterfly and in its wings is a picture of doctors performing surgery. I maintain that the hospital is somehow related to Cyberdyne; no matter how crazy my sister says that is. Also, a fellow Showbreadian (formally known as Breadpudding) lives next to a business called Skytech, or something like that; which I believe is a cover-up for Skynet. Pretty trippy eh?
Not sure how I am going to tie that all in will raw unless you think the fact that Skynet really exists and runs our hospitals is raw - which it is… then yea, my job is done :D
Oh btw here’s proof:
On a side note the email addy for the blog is now fixed so if you had previously submitted anything to it you should probably do so again to insure that we got it :)